Talent Hero

Blog Writing for Recruiters

Blog posts that show off your recruiting knowledge can be an instant credibility booster for your business. But there’s a problem – most people struggle to consistently publish content.

Whether it’s because you’re not the world’s greatest writer or simply because you don’t have the time, you want to avoid having a stale blog that hasn’t been updated since 2017.

The Talent Hero Blog Writing Process

Our process works as follows:

Step 1

Your team and a Talent Hero writer will work collaboratively to define your target audience and plan a long-term editorial calendar.

Step 2

One month before the scheduled publication date of your post, a Talent Hero writer will interview one of your subject matter experts.

Step 3

The Talent Hero writer will combine their interview notes with supplemental research to write your blog post.

Step 4

After a thorough editing and review process, Talent Hero will add the post to your blog and share it across your social channels, ensuring maximum reach.

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Are you interested in writing regular high-quality blogs?

I want to grow my recruiting business