Talent Hero

Case Study: How To Grow Your Recruiting Business Through Social Media Advertising

Social media is often seen as a way to mindlessly pass the time but for recruiters, it should be far more than that.

When Jim Davucci came to Talent Hero and wanted to find new clients in a crowded market, we turned to social media advertising to build a solid pipeline.

After crafting a carefully structured campaign, his recruiting company was able to land 4 new leads within 6 months, leading to $64,000 in incremental revenue.

Do you want to learn what he did? Download our case study on growing your business through social media advertising and discover our secrets.

What you will learn from this guide

  • Why social media advertising is a great option for recruiters
  • The importance of careful to targeting to make sure your audience sees your ads
  • Why every social media campaign requires a branding and conversion component
  • The eye-popping return on investment available to those with a budget